Bibliographic description:
Euchologia Project: Ilias Nesseris, Daniel Galadza, Elisabeth Schiffer, Eirini Afentoulidou, Giulia Rossetto, Claudia Rapp. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University, 2023. liv + 1 018 pp. (Kyivan Christianity Series, vol. 32).
"The ad fontes approach was axiomatic for the liturgical scholar Aleksei Dmitrievskii. After his first visit from Kyiv to the libraries of the Christian East, he remained inspired by the manuscript treasures of the monasteries of Sinai and Athos, as well as the libraries of Jerusalem and Athens, and elsewhere. Dmitrievskii worked assiduously for decades to make the texts accessible to his students at the Kyiv Theological Academy." - Borys Gudziak.