Bibliographic description:
Kyrychenko, Mykola. Effectivity of various vaccination scenarious on scale-free networks: Bachelor Thesis: manuscript / Mykola Kyrychenko; Supervisors: Viktoria Blavatska, Yurij Holovatch; Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. – Lviv: 2021. – 44 p.: ill.
Nowadays because of technological progress many fields of study get a second
wind. This is because many of them need complex computations and a lot of features
were analysed at the level of the idea. In my opinion networks are one of them.
Alongside with technological progress many fields such as social networks, financial
networks and computer networks are developing. Almost all the spheres of life
touch those fields. Because of this connectivity many concepts could be considered
under the perspective of networks. This perspective can explain many common concepts
in the math language. Many common questions can be answered by numbers
and those answers are more accurate. Moreover the fields considered as networks
have a lot in common and the leading ideas of one sphere could be applied to the
other sphere.