Bibliographic description:
Maistruk, Andrii. Geographical Named Entity Recognition from Travel Articles: Bachelor Thesis: manuscript / Andrii Maistruk; Supervisor: Vasyl Mylko; Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. – Lviv: 2021. – 25 p.: ill.
Geographical Named Entity Recognition, also known as geoparsing, is the task of
obtaining geographical coordinates from free-format text, arises in many real-world
applications such as understanding location instructions in auto-response systems,
determining a document’s geographic scope, real-time social media geographical
event analysis, and more. Geoparsing consists of two parts: toponym extraction
from the text; toponym resolution, disambiguating and connecting toponyms to
fully specified real-world locations, geographical coordinates.
In this work, I tackle the problem of geoparsing travel guide articles. For this
reason, I developed the geoparsing system. As input data, National Geographic
Travel articles describing road trips in the United States were used. The code is
available on Github[23].