dc.description.abstracten |
Semantic and instance segmentations have revolutionized biomedical image anal-
ysis, playing a crucial role in numerous biological applications. The development of
accurate segmentation pipelines has enabled fast and reliable image analysis. Pre-
vious state-of-the-art methods in cellular biology rely on accurate cell segmentation
without preserving knowledge of overlapping instances. In this work, we first show
that extending the model by introducing multiple decoupled decoders for multi-task
learning greatly helps in scene understanding and results in high-fidelity segmen-
tations. Furthermore, we identify cases of overlap occurrence and construct prob-
ability maps based on cell spatial proximity. Additionally, to overcome the lack of
annotated samples, we introduce a way to synthesize brightfield images and show
that applying overlap-aware weight maps directly to the loss function guides the
model to attend to regions of occluded cells, thus improving segmentation perfor-
mance. We then propose an approach to extend our model to perform instance seg-
mentation. Compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches, we utilize a concep-
tually novel method of learning instance activation maps that highlight informa-
tive regions for different cells for global awareness. Without bells and whistles, we
combine multi-task learning with overlap awareness for instance segmentation, and
show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results. |
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