Злочинне невігластво та його правова оцінка

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dc.contributor.author Навроцький, Вячеслав
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-28T10:34:31Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-28T10:34:31Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Навроцький В.О. Злочинне невігластво та його правова оцінка // Криміналіст першодрукований. – 2019. - №19 uk
dc.identifier.uri https://er.ucu.edu.ua/handle/1/3722
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.subject Кримінальне право: невігластво uk
dc.subject злочин uk
dc.subject відповідальність uk
dc.title Злочинне невігластво та його правова оцінка uk
dc.type Article uk
dc.status Опублікований і розповсюджений раніше uk
dc.subject.udc 343
dc.description.abstracten The article provides an analysis of the issues pertaining to commission of acts characterized as such under the Criminal Code of Ukraine by a person, who is not engaged in any activities, without adequate training, experience and knowledge. Cases where incompetence is simple have been identified. Elements of criminal incompetence are indicated and an algorithm is proposed to evaluate the acts committed by such persons. The conclusion is argued that the commission of acts under the Criminal Code of Ukraine by a person who did not know certain circumstances, but could and should have known them, does not exclude criminal liability. Author is tried to demonstrate modern problem of criminal incompetence by the measures of legal fixation and law enforcement practice. Readers could be interested in typical situations of criminal incompetence, algorithm of legal assessment of this phenomenоn and perspectives of researches. Key words: incompetence, crime, liability. uk

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